Friday, May 31, 2013

A Revolution In Szolnok

On the end of my third week I am awakened by cannon fire. At this point I knew that I had made a mistake in coming here. I had signed up for Szolnok, not Sarajevo. It turns out that there was a celebration of the Hungarian revolution against its Hapsburg overlords (, and the town had assembled to watch a recreation of the Hungarian army destroying an Austrian brigade:

The three horsemen of the Szolnokalypse
Yes, there were full on cannons setting off car alarms in the early morning, but being from the American south I was accustomed to reenactments:

There are roughly 7000 anachronisms in this picture. Can you spot them all?

I saw firsthand the horror of a toddler on his father's shoulders, straining to get a better look at the battle. Is there no end to our recreated hate?

Sorry guys. Even with cannon fire it was pretty lame. Let's spice it up a little:

After the battle of Szolnok, I did manage to find the train station, which was only a twenty minute walk from my hotel room. With me being deathly afraid of driving, the train station would become my gateway to the rest of Europe:

Vasutallomas is Hungarian for "too cowardly to drive".
Next stop, Budapest:

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